human rights policy | position statements-j9九游会老哥论坛


dupont is committed to the protection and advancement of human rights wherever we operate. the dupont human rights policy is based on our commitment to our core values of safety and health, environmental stewardship, ethical behavior, and respect for people.

we commit to conduct our business in an ethical and responsible manner that supports and respects the protection of human rights. we work to identify and do business with partners who aspire to conduct their business in a similar manner. compliance with this policy and applicable laws is the responsibility of every employee and contractor acting on our behalf and a condition of their employment or contract.

at dupont, we ensure that our products are manufactured under conditions that demonstrate respect for the people who make them while respecting the rights of people living in the communities around our facilities, those of our suppliers and others who may be affected by these operations.

this policy operates in conjunction with our safety, health and environmental commitment, our product stewardship programs, our regulatory compliance program, our supplier code ofconduct and our endorsement of and commitment to the   and the .

child and forced labor and human trafficking

dupont will not tolerate the use of child or forced labor, slavery or human trafficking in any of its global operations and facilities. we will not tolerate the exploitation of children, or the trafficking, physical punishment, abuse, or involuntary servitude of any worker. we expect our suppliers and contractors with whom we do business to uphold the same standards.


dupont will pay wages that meet or exceed the legally required wages or, where no wage law exists, the local industry standard.

working hours

dupont will comply with applicable local, state, national laws and industry practices on working hours.


we adhere to our core value of  with a 100 percent commitment to treating our employees and all our partners with professionalism, dignity and respect, fostering an environment where people can contribute, innovate and excel. this includes , freedom of association and the right to engage in collective bargaining, in accordance with local laws.


we believe that all injuries and occupational illnesses, as well as safety and environmental incidents are preventable. we promote and advocate for off-the-job safety for our employees around the world and affirm our core value of  through our commitment to zero.

suppliers and contractors

we have established and maintain appropriate procedures to evaluate and select suppliers and contractors based on our core values, human rights policy, and 
